How Agencies Build for the Web is Shifting


  • Webinar: We're doing a webinar on Wednesday the 18th on agency tools and how they evolve as shops grow. Join us live, or register to watch the webinar later.
  • New Research: The Digital Agency Webdev Trend Report: 2024 A free report on how agency webdev and design are shifting in light of everything that's been happening lately (AI).
  • New Service: I'm testing a new research service for digital agencies around market sizing, industry research, ICP development, and buyer committee identification. If there's something you'd like to learn about your target market, reach out, and I'll see if we can help.

Webinar: The Ultimate Digital Agency Tech Stack

Join Marija and me Wednesday the 18th as we discuss how digital agency tool needs evolve as agencies grow, plus the top tools digital agencies use to run their shops!

Join us live, or register to watch the webinar later. Maybe with a cold drink. Maybe on a beach. Or in a hammock.

New Research: The Digital Agency Webdev Trend Report: 2024

We took a deep dive into how agency webdev and design are shifting in light of everything that's been happening lately (AI).

This report details the top trends and how they're affecting work at digital agencies.

Here's an excerpt from the Executive Summary:

Our survey results indicate that AI and automation are significantly transforming the web development and design industry. 52% percent of respondents identified AI as a key trend impacting their work. Developers are increasingly utilizing AI for code generation, with half incorporating it into their workflow, while designers primarily use AI for image editing and enhancement. However, this increased efficiency has heightened client expectations for faster development and tighter project timelines.

Thanks to Productive, the report's free for everyone!

New Service: Research for Digital Agencies

Over the last few months, I've expanded our research capabilities for digital agencies. This is work that we do FOR digital shops ON their target markets. It came out of the need for more detailed information when constructing Repeatable Revgen Systems for agency clients.

So far, it's been a lot of market sizing, industry research, ICP development, and buyer committee identification, but it's incredibly flexible and I think it could help a lot of medium-to-large-sized shops (25+FTEs).

There aren't a lot of parameters around this service right now, but if there's something you'd like to learn about your target market, reach out, and I'll see if we can help.

All the best,


Research & Strategy for Digital Agencies

The latest research, insights, tools, and resources that make managing a digital shop easier,

Read more from Research & Strategy for Digital Agencies

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